Sunday, January 4, 2009

wish me luck...

My online class starts's one I'm taking to help with motivation, but it's creative too...pretty cool huh?

My battle with weight has been a long one. Started in college, got worse after mom died. Thyroid disease doesn't help....nor does depression, or poor self-esteem...
Done just about everything....Weight Watchers (3 or 4 times, maybe), Jenny Craig, High Protein/Low Carb, Vegan, no dairy, Slim Fast, should I go on? Also done Jazzercise, Curves, the gym, videos, walking outside.......just can't seem to stick to anything for longer than a few months.
In 2008 I worked with a Dr.'s program: virtually no carbs, weekly B12 shots, appetite suppressant, etc. and was fairly successful....down 35 lbs. I've kept off 30....and need to lose another 30+.... we go again! I love that this class lets me have a creative outlet, inspiration, a support group and motivation all in one....PLUS, I know I'm the most successful when I feel GOOD about me, when I'm loving toward myself, and remember all the positive things about me....and love all of who I am and am becoming.
I'm excited! :)


Kristina said...

Yay! We are in this together. I will be here to support you if you need me. :):)

Unknown said...

I wish you all the best for this class! It sounds like you'll get a lot out of it...xo

Anonymous said...

I hear ya sista! Why is self care so dadgum difficult? Got the t-shirt. I thought about doing this class too, but I'm crazy busy with work this week and then next week I'll be in NYC and The Poconos. So I felt like I'd be too far behind. Does is last for the whole year or just the month? I'll check it out again. --lisa

A Soldier Girl said...

You are definately going to do it this time. Gotcha back


Waechter World said...

I'm praying for you, sister :) I'm very proud of you and am amazed at your creativity every time I look at your blog. Love you!